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Andrea Nicholson, Functional Health Investigator

Andrea Nicholson, Functional Health Investigator Profile Photo

From crime scene investigator to Insulin Investigator, I help people address health challenges like fatigue, digestive problems and stubborn weight, so they can live adventure-filled lives without unnecessary medications.

Certifications: Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Nutrition Therapist Master, and Restorative Wellness Practitioner (3), Insulin IQ certified, Low Carb/Ketogenic Nutrition.

March 29, 2024

Why Standard Diets Often Miss the Mark with Andrea Nicholson

Ever felt like your health journey is on a never-ending loop, despite your best efforts? Uncover the misconceptions about 'healthy' eating and the dietary changes that could revolutionize your wellbeing. Do you struggle with ...

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