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Nov. 3, 2023

Don’t Offer Nutrigenomic Services Until You Listen to This

Don’t Offer Nutrigenomic Services Until You Listen to This

Learn the biggest mistakes holding back pharmacy entrepreneurs and how to overcome them to become a leader in personalized patient care.

Have you fallen into the trap of thinking "If I build it, they will come"?

Discover the costly mistakes many pharmacy entrepreneurs make and how to overcome them.


• Why passive marketing and the "shotgun approach" won't grow your business.

• How to dominate your field through innovation and become a trusted healthcare leader.

• The power of accelerating momentum through growth and building an unstoppable success story.

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@raisethescript or @drtamarlawful


Speaker 1:

Hey there, I'm Dr Tamara Lawful, dr of Pharmacy and Certified Nutritional Genomics Specialist. In this episode, I'm going to show you how to overcome the biggest mistakes holding you back as an entrepreneurial pharmacist the mistakes that are costing you time, money and the opportunity to reach your full potential. Dream big, believe in yourself and get ready to boss up. Welcome to Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutrigenomics. Part of the Pharmacy Podcast Network, a must-have resource for pharmacist entrepreneurs seeking to enhance patient care while enjoying career and life. Join us as we pivot into Nutrigenomics, using pharmacy and nutrition for true patient-focused care. Explore how to improve chronic conditions rather than just manage them. Celebrate entrepreneurial triumphs and receive priceless advice. Align your values with a career that profoundly impacts patients. Together, we'll raise the script on health and pivot into a brighter future. Before we jump into our episode, I'd like to give a brief shout out to our listener of the week, who left a very thoughtful review, rxvet said I am amazed how clearly and concisely Tamar lays out a plan for us to take pharmacy practice to new heights. If your goal is to build a successful, diverse business and shake the monotony of everyday pharmacy practice, all while helping more patients individually, this is for you. Thank you so much, rxvet, for your kind words. I'm delighted that the content we're providing in Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutrigenomics is resonating deeply with you. In our pursuit towards more personalized patient care, your support makes all the difference. This positive feedback from seasoned professionals like you is what keeps us striving. So please continue to tune in, as we have a lot more exciting and educational content coming your way, as well as useful information for entrepreneurs. So, without further ado, let's dive into episode nine of Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutrigenomics. So picture this. There I was thinking I just set up the website for my health and wellness pharmacy practice. I mean, I was beaming with pride like a proud parent. You know. I had used the best Wix template I could find, branded it with my colors and fonts, created a captivating header and even had the pop up to my lead magnet ready to go. I thought to myself this is it. Any moment now clients will start flooding my inbox and becoming loyal customers. But guess what? Nothing, not a zilch. You could practically hear crickets in the background. I was completely baffled. I couldn't understand why my virtual door wasn't swinging open with eager clients. I mean, come on, I had everything in place, or so I thought. But you know what that's. When the light bulb went off, I realized that I had made the mistake, the one that I've seen countless fellow entrepreneurs make, and I knew that I needed to share this with you. So are you ready? Lean in and listen close, because what I'm about to tell you is going to be a game changer. It's time for the big reveal. The mistake many pharmacy entrepreneurs make is not bossing up. They're being too passive in their business. I said it, you heard it they are too passive. We've all been there and, honestly, it's all part of this wild ride we've chosen to embark on. And these mistakes, they won't drown you. They're stepping stones that propel us towards self improvement and success. First up, falling into the sitting on the sidelines. They can have. A website alone means patients will come flooding in. You know the, if I build it, they will come. Mindset. Having a website, a digital space to call your own, is essential, but dreaming that it would bring patients or customers cascading in is just that, a dream. And I don't know about you, but in my world, dreams are the start, not the destination. Next, our good old friend, the shotgun approach. Entrepreneurs often throw everything at the wall to see what sticks right, the results spread too thin and master of none. There's a difference between being versatile and being unable to focus. Okay, then we've got the big one Underestimating the importance of communication and customer service. Can't stress this enough. Your product or service might be top notch, but if your communication skills are lacking, it's like concealing a treasure chest under a pile of seaweed. I mean, nobody's gonna find it. What triggers these entrepreneurs stumbles? What makes us a tribe of driven entrepreneurs? Walk into these traps that if I build it, they will come mindset. Ah, the sweet sense of ambition mixed with a dash of naivety that every one of us has sniffed at some point of our journey. And who can blame us? We're pharmacists. Few of us are trained in business, right. So we cook up solutions, develop services, plant the seeds of a business and then sit back, expect in a lush harvest magically sprout up. But here's a scoop. The root cause of this mindset is the misconception of field of dreams entrepreneurship. We dream, envision and create without understanding. The real world works by different rules. In the world outside, passion needs the oxygen of exposure, the sunlight of marketing and the mineral-rid soil of networking to flourish. With a gunshot approach, you're likely spreading yourself too thin, trying to juggle all those balls up in the air simultaneously. The root here is the anxiety of missing out, aka FOMO. We want a bite of all the pies, a taste of all the flavors. We want to do MTM medication therapy management, tobacco cessation, diabetes education, gut health, functional medicine, pharmacogenomics and maybe even nutrigenomics. But you see, specializing, not generalizing, is where real success lurks. As they say, jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one, might make for a good rhyme, but a poor business strategy. Focus, my friend, is your secret weapon. Now onto the biggie Counting stars while ignoring the moon, aka underestimating the importance of communication and customer service. You can have a service more exciting than sliced bread, but if your customer service and communication skills are gathering dust under a pile of disinterest, well, let's say it can't be party time just yet. The root cause is often the lack of awareness about the real value of customer relationships. You're possibly so caught up in creating and selling that you forgot to talk, engage and build relationships. However, remember that commerce is as much about conversation as it is about transactions. Now I want to break down the cost of these common mistakes we've been chatting about. Yes, the ones that could be slowing our spirit towards success, creating a hurdle where there should be a highway. So, going back to the old if I build it, they will come. Mindset ah, the unbeatable optimism. But here's a bitter pill. This mindset might be costing you time and potential business growth. The longer you wait for clients or patients to trickle in, the higher the cost you pay. Time spent waiting could be channeled into networking, spreading awareness and attracting new clients. If you're not spreading the word, you might end up spreading your budget in Not the ideal scenario. Right Next, let's unravel the shotgun approach, trying to play master of every domain. The cost of spreading too thin, think wasted resources, increased stress and blurred identity. All those hours learning about 10 different specialties when you could have become an expert in two. That's time, energy and money down the drain, not to mention the confusion it creates for your clients when they can't pinpoint your true specialty. Now let's walk over to the biggie underestimating the importance of communication and customer service. The price tag on this one is hefty. We're talking decreased customer loyalty, damaged reputation and lost business opportunities. People like to be treated with kindness and respect. If they don't feel valued, they'll pack up their loyalty and park it at a competitor's doorstep. So it's not just about the innovative and groundbreaking services we offer. It's about the hands we shake, the relationships we make. Alright, pharmacists, the cost of these mistakes is clear. They take not just dollars out of your pocket, but also the potential joy of reaching your goals faster. But hey, no need for gloom. We're not about dwelling on the cost. We're about making investments. Investments in learning, growth and, ultimately, in yourself. It's time to raise the script on your pharmacy career and transform into a true boss. Are you ready? Because I'm about to share a life-changing mantra with you it's time to grab a big old fire extinguisher for those common entrepreneurial mistakes we've been chatting about. And guess what we're switching up to do? That? Innovate, dominate, accelerate. Now, slow down a sec, let that sink in. Feel that that's the sensation of your game changing for the better. First and foremost, innovate, sticking to the same old, same old and expect in a different outcome Madness right. So instead, let's breathe invigorating fresh air into our practices with some innovative magic. I'm talking about becoming modern-day wizards embracing cutting-edge services like Nutrogenomics. Now we're cooking with gas. Instead of a one-size-fits-all health solution, we're tailoring bespoke health blueprints for every unique human being who walks into your pharmacy based on their personal genetic code. We're not just understanding our patients on a deeper level, we're surfing the cutting-edge wave of personalized healthcare. Next stop on this monitor junction dominate. I can't help but feel this surge of energy that comes from embracing innovative practices. It's like we're making a major shift from just being caretakers to becoming absolute trendsetters in our field. We'll become go-to gurus and experts in modern patient care, and you know what that means. Our credibility would be off the charts. Our patients will trust us more than ever and our professional reputation will shine like never before. We're no longer ordinary. We're transforming into the superheroes that our patients have been searching for. Think about those times when you were looking for someone to guide you and inspire you. That's what we're stepping up to be for our patients. We're putting every ounce of effort into making people's lives better and, trust me, they're going to remember you for it. Last, but absolutely not least, accelerate. Once you've nailed innovating and dominating, it's time to step on the gas Rewarding journey filled with success. Yes, please. This isn't just about reaching the finish line faster, though. Accelerating is deeper, more profound. It's about an unstoppable wave of positive growth, about gaining momentum and writing it all the way to an unmatched success story. So there you have it, friends. Let's shake off stagnation and dislodge those hiccups. Time to hit the refresh button on our practices and dance our way to a harmony of innovate, dominate and accelerate. As we step into this electric circle, we're not just dodging those common entrepreneurial dampeners. We're becoming beacons of better healthcare, one innovative leap at a time. Dream, believe and boss up. If you're ready to boss up, innovate, dominate and accelerate, we can help you. In our Raise the Script coaching and consulting programs, you'll learn how to build thriving services centered on patient-focused care, implemented nutrigenomics and health coaching designed for motivated and proactive pharmacists ready to turn their dreams into reality by actively seeking new opportunities and making strategic moves. So how about it? Ready to swap costly mistakes for priceless lessons? Time to rise up and take the reins of your entrepreneurial journey. No detours, no roadblocks, just a straight shot to success. You've totally got this. Remember everything you do contributes to creating a healthier, happier world, and that right there is worth every cent. Are you ready to take the reins of your career and boss up as a pharmacist entrepreneur? Don't wait any longer. Apply for our Raise the Script blueprint program designed to help pharmacists transform healthcare through entrepreneurship. Visit our website, wwwraisediscrpcom to learn more and apply today. Did you find this episode valuable? We'd love to hear your thoughts, share your feedback on our social media channels and leave a review. Your insight and support mean the world to us. Next week, we're diving deep into the world of health coaching for a robust pharmacy practice. Yes, you heard that right. We're going to learn how to empower our patients and bring that positive change we all dream of seeing Tuning next week. Until then, always remember in your journey as a healthcare professional, always raise the script on health, because together we can bring healthcare to higher levels.