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Oct. 27, 2023

Are You Driving Your Health or Just Along For The Ride

Are You Driving Your Health or Just Along For The Ride

Hack the healthcare system and take charge of your wellbeing. Learn the secrets to transform yourself from passive patient to active health advocate—and get better care as a result.

Are you feeling disempowered about your health?

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that doctors know best and we should just follow orders. But the truth is, you are the expert of your own body and health. When you don’t take an active role, you may find yourself feeling disconnected and in the dark about important health decisions.


•Why you should be at the center of your healthcare universe.
•How to build a collaborative partnership with your doctor.
•What empowerment looks like.

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Speaker 1:

Are you feeling disempowered about your health? Do you feel like you're just following doctor's orders without understanding why? Then this episode of Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutri-Genomics is for you. I'm Dr Tamara Lawful, doctor of pharmacy and certified nutritional genomics specialist. In this jam-pack episode, I'm sharing how you can take back control of your health and become an empowered patient. The fact is, when you're not actively involved in your healthcare decisions, you can end up feeling frustrated, anxious and left in the dark, but it doesn't have to be this way. You have the power within you to become the hero of your health story. In this episode, I'll show you how to shift from being a passive passenger to an empowered driver of your wellness journey. You'll learn how to have meaningful conversations with your doctor, ask the right questions about your treatment and make informed decisions that align with your priorities. Imagine feeling confident and in control of your health. Picture yourself working hand in hand with your doctor to develop a tailored plan for your needs. This is a sweet taste of empowerment and is closer than you think. Are you ready to take back your power? Welcome to Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutri-Genomics, part of the Pharmacy Podcast Network, a must-have resource for pharmacists, entrepreneurs seeking to enhance patient care while enjoying career and life. Join us as we pivot into Nutri-Genomics, using pharmacy and nutrition for true patient-focused care. Explore how to improve chronic conditions rather than just manage them. Celebrate entrepreneurial triumphs and receive priceless advice. Align your values with a career that profoundly impacts patients. Together, we'll raise the script on health and pivot into a brighter future. Well, hello, hello, my friends. Welcome back to another episode of Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutri-Genomics. Before we dive right in today, I have to do something super important. I'm beaming right now because I get to give a shout out to our stellar listener of the week, danielle Perfetti, who wrote a must listen to those in the health care. Dr Tamara Lofill provides an important and professional insight into how to address health care. Nutrition and lifestyle changes are essential to getting our country back on a better path to health. The pill for every ill approach needs to be replaced with a personalized food as medicine approach. Her knowledge and approach are truly enjoyable to learn from. I'm looking forward to additional episodes. Danielle, I just want to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your words truly resonate with my mission and vision for this podcast, your appreciation for the fresh perspective on health care, the emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle changes. It's exactly why I do what I do and, quite honestly, why I hop out of bed every morning is cited to tackle the day. And with that, my friend, remember, your voice matters. Your feedback plays a monumental role in shaping our conversation, and I love hearing from you. So when you leave a five star review, you'll get the chance to be featured as our cherished listener of the week, and I'd absolutely love the chance to give you a personal shout out right here on the show. Keep those reviews coming, keep the conversation alive. Your thoughts, insights and wisdom they're what fuel this community. Today's episode is a treasure chest of insights for all those struggling with their health, whether it's diabetes, hypertension or obesity. Get ready to take some notes. Now we're treading on a path that's incredibly important to me. We're talking about patient empowerment and how we can involve you yes, you lovely folks in your treatment process. Now I can already hear some of you thinking Tamar, why should I care about empowerment? All I wanna do is pop my pills and get better. But, my friend, I'm here to tell you that your voice, your involvement and your empowerment matters. It's not even a question of why you should care, but rather how much better your journey to health can be if you took charge. It's about turning a potentially passive experience into a powerfully proactive one. So close your eyes for a moment and picture this You're no longer just a passenger in the backseat of a moving car, staring blankly out of the window. Oh no, my friend. Instead, picture yourself as the driver, hand firmly around the steering wheel, gps set to better health, and you're driving down this road yourself. You see, following your treatment process doesn't have to feel like swallowing bitter pills every day, day in, day out. It should be a dynamic dance between you and your health care team, each step you take echoing your victory. And that's what we're going to talk about today how to take that driver's seat, how to steer your own health towards a journey of wellness that is personal, fulfilling and, above all, empowering. Let's dive into this transformation adventure together, shall we? Now? Why is this topic so important? Think about it. We take our health seriously, right, but often we're led to believe that we're just passengers in our own health journeys, that we should simply follow what's prescribed and not question anything. So let's flip the script level up from passengers to pilots, and think about the control, the power you could have and navigating your own health journey. A lot of us are brought to think that health care is a take it and don't ask kind of deal, that health care is just a one way street. We've all been there, right, sitting in that two white clinic room holding our breath as a doctor scribbles away on a notepad, oblivious to this crazy train of thoughts racing through your mind. You might think I'm not sure I understand what he just said. Why am I taking this medication? Is there another option? But what do you do? You smile, nod and walk away feeling anything but empowered. But you're not alone. According to a study titled the Impact of Patients' Participation on Physicians Patient-Centered Communication, a whopping 81% of patients don't ask clarifying questions when they don't understand what their doctors are saying. Yep, you heard that right 81%. Is it only me, or does that make you go? Hmm, two, and oh, my friend, brace yourself for this one. A survey by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality says that only 42% of American adults feel comfortable asking their doctor questions about a new medication. That means not even half of us are stepping up to understand what's going into our bodies. Why? All? Because we've bought into this cultural belief that the doctor knows best, that the doctor is always right. Now, don't get me wrong. Healthcare professionals are heroes. But in reality you, my friend, are the hero of your health care journey. You're the protagonist in this journey, not the extra in the background. Ok, now, these might be harsh words, but trust me, listening to this may save you from feeling that punch in the gut later when you let this belief run the show. It's like driving with a blindfold on. You feel disconnected, powerless and out of the loop. No-transcript. It's likely that you don't feel empowered to take control of your health due to the cultural beliefs that doctors know best. See, the mess is drilled into you from childhood storybooks up to Hollywood's latest blockbuster is that you're just a regular person, not an expert. After all, med school is long, grueling, tough and tumble stuff. Right, that power, that knowledge, it sits on a pedestal. It's a crown that only those who fought the good fight through to sleepless nights and intense practicals can wear. So let's cut those myths down a bit like trim and overgrown hedge. Yeah, you've got to clear the path and see that you're not a mere spectator in your health journey. You are the star, the actor who should be calling the shots because, come on, we're talking about your body here. Now. I'm not saying you should start ignoring your doctor's advice or play street pharmacist with your health. No, no, that's not the message here. But I want you to grab hold of this energy ball I'm tossing at you and realize that you have a voice, you have a say and you have the power to make informed decisions about your own health. The reality is that you should be at the center of your healthcare universe. The fact is that when you don't take control of your health, you may likely find yourself feeling disconnected, disempowered and sometimes left in a dark about what's happening with your health. No one wants to be in the dark room blindly trying to find the light switch, fumbling around, tripping over obstacles they didn't even know were there. It's frustrating, disconcerting, even a text, scary, isn't it? That is what it's like when you're disempowered about your own health. But let me tell you something that's not where the story ends. It's where a whole new chapter starts. So you forgot the way to the switch in that dark room. Guess what? You learn to navigate the dark until you find it. Or, better yet, you create your own life, bring your own brightness. Excuse me when I say this. We've all got an inner resilience that's stronger than we think. Yes, it takes time, effort and a whole lot of guts, but finding that power within you, connecting with your health and taking back control, it's like watching a dawn breaking after a long night invigorating, illuminating and outright breathtaking. You should and you can be at the center of your healthcare universe. You can be empowered and in control. Yes, you heard that right. Just stick with me for a minute and imagine a whole new world, a world where you are not just a passive bystander but an active participant in your healthcare journey, a world where, instead of feeling overwhelmed, you feel in control. Doesn't that sound amazing? Now consider your body a universe, a complex and fascinating universe. Do you think anyone can know your universe better than you? Nope, not even the best doctor in the world. You're the one living in it day in and day out, experiencing every quirk and hiccup. You, my friend, are the undisputed expert of your body, the center of your healthcare universe. So why not use this expertise to your advantage? Why not voice your fears, get your own treatment and dig deeper until you truly understand what's going on with your health? No good doctor will ever dismiss your concerns, and if they do, well, it's not you, it's definitely them. Remember, no question is too silly and, let's face it, it's your body, your rules. Now imagine a new landscape, one where you are the protagonist of your health story. Picture yourself working alongside your healthcare professionals, engaging in conversations, asking questions and being part of the decision-making process. Doesn't that feel empowering? This works because when you're active in your healthcare, you're no longer just following orders, but making informed decisions about your health. This allows you to gain control and participate in developing a treatment plan that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Now I want you to picture this. You wake up one groggy morning feeling like you've been hit by a truck. You're exhausted, despite trying to catch some Z's achy in all the wrong places, and, oh, that dreaded pain on your right side that's been your unwelcome companion for days now. Sound familiar? I bet it does. So we've got two scenarios up for grabs, and each one will illuminate the importance of tackling our pain points head on to truly live our best lives. Let's dive in. Scenario one is pretty familiar. You're stretched thin, barely holding the pieces together between family, work and well life. Your self-care what self-care Stresses are skyrocketing, sleep and diet are on hiatus and you feel like you're running on fumes. But hey, that's just life right. So when that pain on your right side comes at you full force, you do what most of us do you squeeze in a quick doctor's appointment, hoping for a speedy solution that won't demand juggling your chaotic daily schedule. You walk out the door prescription in hand, but no real understanding of what went down or the possible underlying causes of your pain. It is what it is right, but what if we took a detour and peaked at scenario two? Tune into a parallel universe where you've been investing in yourself, reading articles, nourishing your body and listening to its whispers. You've sought support and connected with resources, and well, dang it. You're an empowered warrior. Now imagine stepping into the doctor's office armed with knowledge that is stands beyond the hole. My side hurts dialogue. You're ready to dive into a meaningful conversation with your doctor about your struggles with stress, erratic diets and sleep habits, leading to a more tailored solution for your health? Can you feel that seismic shift? Dear friend, it's the energy that comes from being in control of your life, partnering with yourself and your doctor to level up and conquer whatever comes your way Now, don't get it twisted. You're not out to undermine your doctor's expertise. No surree. This is about fostering open collaboration and respect in a two-way conversation, making sure your voice is heard and your experience is known. Just imagine a difference this can make, crafting a game plan that addresses the pain points beneath the surface, crafted by both you and your doctor. That, my friend, is a sweet taste of empowerment and about as close to magic as it gets. You're probably saying but tomorrow, in what world, does my doctor have time to talk to me and listen Really listen to what I have to say and answer my questions? Well, a world in which you are empowered and in control of your health, a world where you are proactive, curious and stand in your power. Remember, health isn't a one-person act. Never hesitate to ask questions, get second opinions or dive deep into the information sea. Knowledge is power, but use in that knowledge, take an action, be an advocate for your health. Now that's next level power. And guess what? You've got it in you Power. My friend is in your hands, you ready to seize it and with that, dear friend, I want to thank you for joining me on this episode. I look forward to seeing you on the path to health empowerment. And until next time, stay strong, stay inspired and always love yourself first, every day. If you're feeling empowered, great, but there's even more. I've got a secret weapon to toss your way. The life balance is in her glow. 90-day health coaching program. This is a transformative health and wellness journey that's tailored just for you. Imagine unlocking your genetic potential, improving sleep, reducing medication usage, gaining more confidence and boosting overall life quality. Yes, I'm talking about a life-changing, power-packed, tailored health journey. So are you ready to shift gears and take the driver's seat on your health journey? Then don't waste another second. Visit thelifebalancecom that's the L-Y-F-E balancecom and book your complimentary consultation. Let's do this because you are worth it and because your radiant health is just 90 days away. Before I sign off, I would love to hear your stories of empowerment as well, so hop on over to our Instagram at Dr Tamar Lofill and share your experiences with me. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast, share and leave a review on this episode. Your honest feedback helps this conversation reach and influence others like you Coming up next week on the show. We're talking to my dear pharmacists and diving deep into overcoming obstacles as an entrepreneurial pharmacist, so you can take full throttle of your practice and jumpstart your career without losing precious time, money or opportunities. Now's the time to embrace change, level up, and shouldn't we all want that? So see you back here next time. Until then, always remember in your journey as a healthcare professional, always raise the script on health, because together we can bring healthcare to higher levels.